Saturday, September 19, 2015

Left Ovary has left the building. 2-12

Cycle 2. Day 12.

I went in today to have my follicles measured; see the progress from my second cycle.

And nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Apparently the left ovary has decided not to attend the party the clomid is having.

Mood swings, cramps, and hot-flashes... all for nothing.

I held it together with my doctor and her staff. Then as soon as I hit the door I called my husband sobbing. Okay... so I was preparing myself for another cycle where potentially I would not get pregnant. I WAS NOT prepared for a cycle where my body didn't respond even in the slightest. 

I've been drinking the tea that taste like bark that is supposed to make the ovaries that much more productive. I'd gone in for rounds of acupuncture. I've been taking my medicine religiously. I had even peed on a stick that said I was ovulating!!! And.... nope. The left ovary just doesn't produce. 

So from that, the doctor told me that possibly my left ovary does not function. If that is the case than apparently every other month I don't have a shot (since ovaries take turns being dutiful)

Im giving myself a few hours to cry about it. Then its time to order the next 10 days of progesterone and reaffirm positive beliefs that I will become pregnant.

*Written August 2014

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